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Sep 9, 2022

Purpose in Life is good for you!

PIL is the acronym for “Purpose in Life,” referring to a “Sense of Purpose” or one’s “Reason for Being.” In the corporate world, the terms Vision and Mission are giving way to the increasingly common but meaningfully distinct notion of PURPOSE. If Vision represents the WHAT—that is, what a company wants to be

Sep 9, 2022

Il “Purpose in Life” fa bene!

PIL è l’acronimo (oltre che di Prodotto Interno Lordo) di “Purpose In Life”, letteralmente “lo Scopo nella Vita”, cioè il “Senso di Scopo”, il “Perché Esisto”. In azienda i termini di Vision e Mission stanno lasciando il posto ad un termine sempre più usato, per quanto con un significato differente: PURPOSE. Se la

Sep 8, 2022

The ‘climate dystopia’ displacing millions of Pakistanis

Parts of the country have received 5 times more rainfall this August than average. After weeks of relentless rains, a new cycle of flash floods devastated parts of Pakistan over the weekend, raising the country’s monsoon death toll to 1,136 since June, according to the country’s National Disaster Management Authority. Nearly 1 million

Sep 7, 2022

EU-Directive: 45 % renewable energy sources by 2030

The EU Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy agrees on increasing the overall share of renewable energy in European energy production. By 2030, 45% of energy demand is to be supplied from renewable sources. In addition, energy consumption is to be reduced by 40%. This is intended to contribute to greater climate neutrality

Sep 7, 2022

Five future concerns for women’s health

The COVID-19 pandemic finally woke the world up to realising health emergencies had profound impacts on women because of gender norms and inequalities. Research into the myriad ways in which these impacts have been felt across politics, economics, and society is being produced across the globe. This research is feeding into evidence-based policy

Sep 6, 2022

Perception and Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers to Drought Risk: A Scientometric Analysis

Droughts are a worldwide issue that affects ecosystems’ economies and cultures; therefore, its perception and adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers are crucial for the mitigation of drought risk, and for sustainable food production. We used the bibliometric method to analyze 121 publications from the Scopus database to better understand the existing situation and

Sep 6, 2022

UK: 4-Day week trial shows first successes

The world’s largest trial of a 4-day week in the UK has got off to a successful start and is showing initial positive results. CNN Business questioned employees and participating companies: Many do not want to go back to the long working hours after the test phase – that’s how successful the reduction

Sep 5, 2022

Unexpected Ukrainian resistance continues to thwart Russia’s initial plans for quick, decisive victories

A Ukrainian soldier inspects a residential building after it was damaged following a Russian shelling attack In Kyiv. Mykhaylo Palinchak/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Liam Collins, United States Military Academy West Point As Ukrainian forces fight a late-summer counterattack to wrest the southern province of Kherson from Russian control, Russian President Vladimir Putin