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Jul 7, 2022

Conceptualizing Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies

Cybercrime is becoming ever more pervasive and yet the lack of consensus surrounding what constitutes a cybercrime has a significant impact on society, legal and policy response, and academic research. Difficulties in understanding cybercrime begin with the variability in terminology and lack of consistency in cybercrime legislation across jurisdictions. In this review, using

Jul 6, 2022

Stormwater Ponds Are Carbon Sources, Not Sinks

New research from Florida tracks carbon dioxide and methane emissions from human-created waterways. With sand and muck trickling out of her equipment and ferocious Floridian Sun scorching her canoe, Audrey Goeckner was about ready to give up on her research project and possibly even her University of Florida Ph.D. The freshwater ecosystem ecologist

Jul 6, 2022

Neuromanagement: neuro-strategie per neuro-manager

L’obiettivo di questo articolo, che è il proseguimento naturale di quello relativo al “mindset” dei nuovi leader, è quello di offrire una prospettiva neuroscientifica per la comprensione e l’integrazione dei meccanismi cognitivi alla base dei pensieri e delle azioni all’interno di strutture organizzative complesse . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore:

Jul 5, 2022

How British Is The European Convention On Human Rights?

Some people talk about the European Convention of Human Rights as if it was imposed on the unwilling British by our continental neighbours, but the reality may surprise you. Europe united by democracy and human rights? So whose idea was that? The European Convention on Human Rights came into effect on 3 September

Jul 4, 2022

Windows Interview – Maffezzoni e Madam

Fatti di cronaca riportano costantemente in evidenza forme latenti di un “razzismo” ancora diffuso nel nostro Paese. Nel periodo in cui i diritti umani vengono celebrati, ecco due testimonianze di rilievo. Ospiti di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, sono Loretta Maffezzoni, modella neolaureata con il sogno di diventare

Jul 4, 2022

Sustainable business model for local council’s smart city initiatives

Background: Malaysia is embarking on sustainable, resilient, and prosperous living conditions initiatives. Malaysian cities are embracing the smart city aspiration through their respective local authorities. However, they face challenges regarding funding allocation for smart city implementation. Local authorities primarily operate on a conventional business model. Based on their current business model, they are

Jul 1, 2022

“You are not like the others, you are you” (quote)

What is your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)? Each of us as an individual has their own UVP, because each of us is UNIQUE. Being unique means being different from others and, luckily, each of us is!   Distinguishing yourself by your Uniqueness means daring to be yourself, expressing your way of being, the

Jul 1, 2022

“Tu non sei come gli altri, tu sei te” (cit.)

Qual è la tua Unique Value Proposition (UVP)? Ognuno di noi come Persona ha la propria UVP, perché di ognuno di noi c’è un UNICO esemplare. Essere Unici significa essere diversi dagli altri e, per fortuna, ognuno di noi lo è! Distinguersi per la propria Unicità significa osare essere sé stessi, esprimere il

Jun 30, 2022

Brain structural abnormalities in six major psychiatric disorders: shared variation and network perspectives

Common brain abnormalities are a possible explanation for comorbidities in psychiatric disorders. Challenges in understanding these conditions are likely due to the paucity of studies able to analyze the extent and regional distribution of shared morphometric abnormalities between disorders. Recently, Opeal et al. presented an elegant rationale to investigate shared and specific morphometric