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Jul 27, 2022

EU-Directive: 45 % renewable energy sources by 2030

The EU Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy agrees on increasing the overall share of renewable energy in European energy production. By 2030, 45% of energy demand is to be supplied from renewable sources. In addition, energy consumption is to be reduced by 40%. This is intended to contribute to greater climate neutrality

Jul 25, 2022

Windows Interview – Riccardo Noury

Pandemia, conflitti bellici ed economia in sofferenza hanno generato una seria di ricadute negative su popolazioni in Paesi con regimi autoritari o in deficit economico. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Riccardo Noury, Portavoce Nazionale Amnesty International Italia I problemi sanitari sulla popolazione più fragile, i

Jul 22, 2022

What Conscious Consumerism Really Means

Conscious consumerism can mean more sustainable impact. But it’s a goal companies and consumers need to achieve together. “The Basics” provides essential knowledge about core business sustainability topics. “Vote with your dollar.” It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard before, a rallying cry for consumers to put their money where their mouth is and

Jul 20, 2022

Windows Interview – Raffaella Ambrosino

Se la passione per la musica è già presente dall’infanzia, può regalare nel tempo all’Italia artisti eccellenti, capaci con le loro interpretazioni, ricerche, collaborazioni, di esser apprezzati nel mondo. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Raffaella Ambrosino, soprano e direttrice d’orchestra. Donna, madre, musicista, produttore, fondatrice

Jul 20, 2022

Peace for Columbia: President Petro to start Negotiations with Guerillas

Gustavo Petro, president-elect of Columbia, announced that he wants to declare a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict with Columbian Guerilla Groups ELN and Farc-EP to finalise a peace treaty. Since 1964, over 260,000 civilians have died in the conflict. Petro’s announcement to start negotiations with the Guerilla fighters is not the first attempt