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Jun 6, 2022

What is happening to Pakistan’s Green Stimulus?

New climate change minister Sherry Rehman has given her assurance that Pakistan will remain serious about conservation Wajahat Shah, 32, is a labourer at a government-run tree plantation, spread over 3,000 hectares of army land in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. “Ten days after the government announced the lockdown due to coronavirus, I had

Jun 3, 2022

Navigation Map-Based Artificial Intelligence

A biologically inspired cognitive architecture is described which uses navigation maps (i.e., spatial locations of objects) as its main data elements. The navigation maps are also used to represent higher-level concepts as well as to direct operations to perform on other navigation maps. Incoming sensory information is mapped to local sensory navigation maps

Jun 2, 2022

Webzine ‘Against the Ecofascist Creep’ Smashes Dangerous Delusions

Sometimes we wish we could solve the world’s problems with a snap of our fingers, even though we know it’s never that simple: compound problems require compound solutions. Still, accelerating climate crisis and the unwillingness of global leaders to take meaningful climate action can breed nihilism—likely we’ve all witnessed it in students, colleagues,

Jun 1, 2022

L’importanza di un abbraccio

Molti si chiedono come ridurre lo stress emotivo per portare serenità e pace interiore nella nostra anima; la risposta più semplice che possiamo trovare risiede nel contatto . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico, professore e ricercatore di psicologia comportamentale presso la

May 30, 2022

Windows Interview – Paolo D’Anna

Nella celebrazione dei cento anni dalla nascita di Pier Paolo Pasolini, uno spettacolo teatrale in tour nazionale, dal titolo “Strade di Sabbia. I 100 anni di Pasolini, i 100 volti di Pasolini”, sta ottenendo un notevole successo di critica e pubblico. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview,

May 30, 2022

Spain changes its policy on the Western Sahara issue

Western Sahara was a colony belonging to Spain until 1975, and was annexed by Morocco after the withdrawal of the Spanish, although this annexation is not recognized by most states. For 46 years, the Polisario movement there has been fighting for independence from Morocco and its policy. Until recently, Spain supported the demand

May 27, 2022

Togo looks like West Africa’s new frontier of violent extremism

A group of armed Islamists gathered in Gao, northern Mali in 2012. Now such groups are seeking foothold in Togo. Photo by Issouf Sanogo/AFP via Getty Images Folahanmi Aina, King’s College London The threat of violent extremism across West Africa has been on the rise in recent times. Boko Haram and the Islamic

May 26, 2022

Explainer: What is regenerative agriculture?

From policymakers to farmers and food companies, regenerative agriculture is being hailed as an alternative for food production with lower environmental impacts Regeneration” is a buzzword in the agriculture sector and beyond. It’s the subject of a Netflix documentary, Kiss the Ground, which centres on the UN’s projection that we may only have