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Feb 2, 2022

VUCA time

It is not the name of a new dance, it is an acronym from the 1980s, the meaning of which is very suitable for describing this current historical period: V = Volatility, stands for instability, mutability. U = Uncertainty, stands for uncertainty, emblem of this historical moment. C = Complexity, stands for situations

Feb 2, 2022

VUCA time

Non è il nome di un nuovo ballo, è un acronimo degli anni ’80, il cui significato è molto adatto a descrivere l’attuale periodo storico: V= Volatility, cioè volatilità, intesa come instabilità, mutevolezza U= Uncertainty, cioè incertezza, emblema di questo momento storico C= Complexity, cioè complesso, governato dalle emergenze, con una molteplicità di elementi

Jan 28, 2022

The Open Window (Full Documentary)

As India races to bring its entire population online, Deepa and Jaya, two girls from a working-class neighborhood in Delhi, are introduced to the internet for the first time through a learning lab at their school. Their time in the lab opens up a universe of fresh ideas, possibilities, and perspectives, and provides

Jan 27, 2022

Biking to school: Barcelona has a car-free hour every Friday

Every Friday, a bunch of Barcelona kids jet through the city on their bikes before school starts – without having to watch out for cars, because: For one hour on Friday mornings, they are allowed to use the streets as bike paths. For that hour the city closes the streets completely for cars.

Jan 25, 2022

La Federazione Russa del Nuovo Millennio

Politica interna e geopolitica globale La Federazione Russa del Nuovo Millennio è profondamente diversa da tutte le “Russie” precedenti, ma da ognuna ha attinto qualcosa per arrivare ad essere quello che oggi è. Una Russia, dunque, certamente figlia del suo passato. Un passato denso e ricchissimo di storia, tra Impero, Dittatura del Proletariato

Jan 25, 2022

The Russian Federation of the New Millennium

 Domestic and Global Geopolitics The Russian Federation of the New Millennium is profoundly different from all previous “Russias”, but from each has drawn something to get to be what it is today. A Russia that is certainly daughter of her past. A past dense and rich of history, between Empire, Dictatorship of the

Jan 24, 2022

EU-Commission: Platforms like Uber, Mjam and others should hire employees

Digital platforms profit from the self-exploitation and bogus self-employment of their “employees”. The EU Commission is now proposing guidelines for European countries to prevent this. The aim is to control working conditions with the aim of employing suppliers and other bogus self-employed workers. What is the problem? – Bogus self-employment and self-exploitationPrecarious working

Jan 21, 2022

FIT Hives: Sustainability – The Secret to Survival

A documentary that introduces FIT Hives, a student-run organization whose mission is to educate the FIT community about the importance of bees to the environment, the use of bee-derived resources in the industries related to the majors at FIT and its goal to put a beehive on the roof. FIT Hives is a