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Sep 3, 2020

Recent emergence of CAT5 tropical cyclones

The IBTrACS global best track data set endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization provides a valuable global record of tropical cyclone genesis, track and intensity, and spans 1842 to the present. The record is significantly more robust from the late 1970s onwards, as it is supported by satellite imagery. These records indicate that

Aug 10, 2020

Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of intravenous remdesivir

Abstract Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by a novel corinavirus (later named SARS-CoV-2 virus), was fistly reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China towards the end of 2019. Large-scale spread within China and internationally led the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020. The clinical

Aug 6, 2020

Hypertension and COVID-19

As the count for COVID-19 infection and deaths climb around the world, it is pertinent to look at the other pandemic of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypertension (HT). These conditions have been found to be the most common underlying conditions around the world. Unlike CVD, HT is not considered an independent risk factor

Jul 28, 2020

Economia digitale e finanziamenti europei

In un contesto economico globale in sofferenza, bisogna considerare che l’economia digitalesta crescendo sette volte di più rispetto agli altri settori. Tale crescita è tuttavia frenata da politiche disomogenee e da una diffusione a macchia di leopardo di servizi e strumenti per la società dell’informazione. Per quanto riguarda la situazione in Italia, anche

Jul 27, 2020

Telecom ed Eni: i messaggi oltre le sanzioni

Nell’ultimo periodo hanno fatto molto discutere le sanzioni inflitte dal Garante italiano a due colossi dell’economia italiana come Telecom ed Eni. Al di là dell’entità, in queste si nascondono una serie di messaggi che forniscono spunti di riflessione. La vecchia normativa, pur prevedendo dei correttori che comportavano una sanzione maggiore per le grandi

Jul 24, 2020

Canapa: nutraceutica e fitoterapia

I semi di canapa sono uno degli alimenti con il più alto e completo valore nutrizionale. Contengono circa il 25% di proteine, in una combinazione eccezionale in cui sono presenti tutti gli 8 aminoacidi essenziali per la sintesi proteica e, di conseguenza, per il rinnovo cellulare. È valido anche il loro contenuto di

Jul 23, 2020

Il caso Capannori – Estathé

Un avvenimento in qualche modo minore, non certamente adatto a riempire le prime pagine delle cronache nazionali, eppure quanto avvenuto attorno allo storico bicchierino dell’Estathé merita una menzione perché indicativo della nuova coscienza ambientale (soprattutto riguardo al problema dell’inquinamento provocato dalla plastica) e dei rinnovati rapporti tra aziende e consumatori in una nuova

Jul 22, 2020

Health or environment: Plastic dilemma over Covid-19

Researchers believe that disposable products are recyclable, so if this waste is collected properly, there will not be any environmental issues. Reased plastic consumption driven by Covid-19 related health concerns leads to a dilemma as people create more waste to protect their health while paving the way for a risk to environmental health

Jul 22, 2020

Why rural electrification won’t fix deforestation in Zimbabwe

Reliance on biomass such as fuelwood for energy in rural areas has a strong bearing on Zimbabwe’s environment. Rural communities in Zimbabwe meet 94% of their cooking energy requirements by using traditional fuels, mainly fuelwood, and 20% of urban households use wood as the main cooking fuel. For this reason, unsustainable fuelwood use

Jul 21, 2020

Our future must be green

World Environment Day comes this year to a planet that is preoccupied with the effects of COVID-19, a pandemic that has played with the lives of millions and affected some two-thirds of the people that share this planet. And as nations emerge from the darkest days of the coronavirus crisis, there is a