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Feb 19, 2021

This start-up aims to make nearly unlimited clean energy

Then Brendon Sorbom A 2010 graduate of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, he decided to fly to Boston, taking the “thousand dollars” he had accumulated and his credit card (with 0 percent interest for one year). Sorbom wanted to defend his doctoral dissertation. in nuclear fusion, but all five programs he applied

Feb 17, 2021

A ‘fundamental concern’ coming from the shift to green energy

President Joe Biden has ambitious plans when it comes to addressing climate change. He wants to eliminate net carbon emissions from the energy sector by 2035, and from the entire U.S. economy by 2050. The big shift away from the burning of oil, gas and coal that would necessitate will put many American

Feb 15, 2021

Windows Interview – Valentina Reiner

Come ogni argomento che fa tendenza, il rischio di penalizzare la qualità è sempre dietro l’angolo. Cosa è e, soprattutto, cosa non è il “business coaching”? A chi è indirizzato e quale interesse possono avere le aziende nell’introdurlo nella loro gestione di management? Risponde a tutte queste domande (e altro ancora) la D.ssa

Feb 15, 2021

Increase in public interest concerning alternative medicine in Indonesia

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered individuals to increase their healthy behaviour in order to prevent transmission, including improving their immunity potentially through the use of alternative medicines. This study aimed to examine public interest on alternative medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic using Google Trends in Indonesia.Methods: Employing a quantitative study, the Spearman

Feb 12, 2021

Online dashboard and data analysis approach for assessing COVID-19 case

The 2019-2020 global pandemic has been caused by a disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This disease has been caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). By April 30 2020, the World Health Organization reported 3,096,626 cases and 217,896 deaths, which implies an exponential growth for infection and deaths worldwide. Currently,

Feb 10, 2021

COVID-19 testing capabilities at urgent care centers

While rapid and accessible diagnosis is paramount to monitoring and reducing the spread of disease, COVID-19 testing capabilities across the U.S. remain constrained. For many individuals, urgent care centers (UCCs) may offer the most accessible avenue to be tested. Through a phone survey, we describe the COVID-19 testing capabilities at UCCs and provide

Feb 8, 2021

Ice Catastrophes, Plastic-Choked Rivers and the Pivot to the Green Economy

Earth’s ice sheets have misplaced 28 trillion tons of ice mass because the Nineteen Nineties and will proceed accelerating as hotter oceans undercut glaciers alongside coasts, The Washington Put up stories. A brand new research printed within the journal Copernicus says that between 1994 and 2017, the Arctic misplaced 7.6 trillion tons of

Feb 4, 2021

Report on marijuana use in Michigan

The University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center released a report this month on marijuana use in Michigan and everything it affects, from hospital capacity to the economy to mental health. The report is intended to compile research on marijuana’s impact on the health and well-being of Michiganders prior to the state’s legislation of

Feb 2, 2021

Black market starting to emerge amid coronavirus vaccine shortages

In Miami, priority access to COVID vaccines was dangled as a lure to big hospital donors. In New York, hospital workers laboring from home cut in front of their frontline colleagues on the COVID-19 vaccine line. In California, teachers at the wealthy Los Gatos Union School District were urged — by their superintendent