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Mar 20, 2024

Telelavoro e flessibilità aziendale come psicologia comportamentale

Attraverso questo articolo, ci immergeremo nel cuore stesso della psicologiacomportamentale del telelavoro e della flessibilità aziendale, esplorando come questi concetti influenzino le nostre menti, modellino le nostre interazioni e plasmino le nostre esperienze lavorative. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico, professore

Mar 20, 2024

Digital nomads: a benefit or burden for local communities?

Greek landscapes are quite attractive for many digital nomads. Erika Cristina Manno/Shutterstock Jan Bednorz, University of Tartu Many criticise digital nomads for fuelling gentrification and pricing out locals. Social, economic, spatial and cultural segregation between nomads and local communities has already stirred controversy from Canada to the Canary Islands. However, states across the

Mar 19, 2024

Revolutionising the Future: The Green Transformation of Energy Storage

In the perpetually shifting tableau of global energetics, an unyielding quest for sustainability and proficiency has ushered in a novel epoch of ingenuity within the domain of energy conservation technologies. Amid escalating apprehensions regarding climatic transmutation and the imperative to curtail carbon footprints, the sector has witnessed an influx of verdant initiatives aimed

Mar 19, 2024

The school route to healthier eating

When the lunch bell rings at the Sancta Maria primary school in the Belgian city of Leuven, standard packed meals aren’t on the menu for dozens of hungry children.  Instead, the pupils receive freshly prepared, hot organic vegetarian fare delivered daily to the school canteen. The meals come by bicycle from nearby, purpose-built

Mar 18, 2024

Space Exploration: The Final Frontier’s New Dawn

In this episode of “News of the Week” hosted by Mike, the spotlight is on the innovative intersection of urban farming and space exploration. As urban agriculture takes a quantum leap, it melds with the principles of space travel, fostering advancements in hydroponic and aeroponic systems for microgravity environments. These groundbreaking technologies are

Mar 18, 2024

The Ramifications of Climatic Alterations upon Asiatic Nations

Climatic alterations emerge as a paramount challenge within the contemporary epoch, with Asiatic territories at the vanguard, confronting its stern repercussions. The extensive and variegated continent of Asia, domicile to beyond 4.5 billion souls, harbours a plethora of ecosystems, ranging from the towering summits of the Himalayas to the expansive, low-lying coastal vicinities.

Mar 15, 2024

Windows Interview – Katia Anedda

Il caso di Ilaria Salis o Filippo Mosca, cittadini italiani detenuti nelle carceri estere sono solo alcuni dei tanti. Ad oggi sono quasi 2.000 i connazionali detenuti, molti dei quali privati dei basilari diritti umani. Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel quarto episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è Katia Anedda, Presidentessa dell’Associazione