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Feb 29, 2024

Unveiling the Future: Navigating Asia’s Dynamic Demographic Odyssey

Asia stands as the behemoth of continents, both in sheer expanse and the thronging multitudes it harbours, currently witnessing profound demographic metamorphoses. These shifts in the tides of human movement are reconfiguring the economic terrain, the blueprint of urban development, and the tapestry of cultural interactions across this vast landmass. For decision-makers, commercial

Feb 29, 2024

Researchers and small businesses join forces against hackers

What do a Greek pharmacy, a Spanish multinational bank, a German foundation specialised in the digital economy and a UK university have in common? They all helped develop software tools with EU funding to counter cyber and physical threats to e-commerce in the European single market, the world’s most lucrative.  Prime targets Called ENSURESEC,

Feb 28, 2024

La psicologia dei Driver resilienti: come affrontare le sfide aziendali con determinazione

In questo articolo, esploreremo i driver psicologici che sostengono la resilienza e la drivership e vi guiderò attraverso le strategie pratiche per coltivarli. Imparerete come sviluppare una mentalità resiliente, gestire lo stress, adattarvi ai cambiamenti e utilizzare le avversità come catalizzatori per la vostra crescita professionale e soprattutto diventare veri driver della vostra

Feb 28, 2024

How AI deepfakes threaten the 2024 elections

by Rehan Mirza, The Journalist’s Resource Last month, a robocall impersonating U.S. President Joe Biden went out to New Hampshire voters, advising them not to vote in the state’s presidential primary election.  The voice, generated by artificial intelligence, sounded quite real. “Save your vote for the November election,” the voice stated, falsely asserting that a

Feb 27, 2024

Deepfakes in South Africa: protecting your image online is the key to fighting them

ph. Deepfakes pose serious dangers. Arkadiusz Warguła/iStock Layckan Van Gensen, Stellenbosch University Leanne Manas is a familiar face on South African televisions. Towards the end of 2023 the morning news presenter’s face showed up somewhere else: in bogus news stories and fake advertisements in which “she” appeared to promote various products or get-rich-quick

Feb 26, 2024

Smart Cities Unveiled: The Future of Urban Living Today

In this episode of “News of the Week,” hosted by Mike, we delve into the transformative world of Smart Cities and their pivotal role in reshaping urban living. The podcast provides a concise yet comprehensive overview, starting with an introduction to the concept of smart cities, followed by an exploration of the cutting-edge

Feb 26, 2024

Commodity Markets: Forecasting Economic Impacts

In the intricate realm of global economics, commodity markets wield considerable influence, sculpting the trajectory of various industries and economies worldwide. Prognosticating the economic ramifications of commodity market oscillations stands as imperative for enterprises, investors, policymakers, and analysts to craft judicious decisions and adeptly manage risks. The Importance of Commodity Markets Commodity markets