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Feb 8, 2024

Recycling tyres and plastics with an ancient heating method

For thousands of years, humans have converted wood into charcoal through a technique called pyrolysis. Now, Jean-Michel Douarre wants to use this age-old method for a modern purpose: turning old car tyres into new ones. Douarre, the head of research into sustainable materials at French tyre maker Michelin, hopes pyrolysis will put his

Feb 7, 2024

Empowerment dei dipendenti: come creare un ambiente di lavoro che favorisca l’autonomia e la creatività

L’empowerment dei dipendenti è una tendenza sempre più rilevante nell’ambito aziendale, poiché le organizzazioni si rendono conto del valore intrinseco di avere dipendenti motivati, autonomi e creativi. Questo articolo esplorerà in profondità il concetto di empowerment dei dipendenti e come le aziende possono creare un ambiente di lavoro che favorisca l’autonomia e la

Feb 7, 2024

Universities must uphold Indigenous rights to self-determine

by Policy Options. Originally published on Policy Options Indigenous identity has long been a topic of (un)critical debate in Canada, usually shaped by colonial stories rooted in assimilation and erasure. The impact of Sir John A. MacDonald, the Indian Act, the 1969 white paper and Joey Smallwood continues to influence relations within and

Feb 6, 2024

News of the Week – Podcast

The podcast “News of the Week” covers the most important and interesting news stories from the past week. Each episode, the host will present a round-up of the top news stories, providing a brief summary of the events and their significance. The podcast will also feature interviews with experts and journalists to provide

Feb 6, 2024

African countries are struggling with high debt, demands to spend more and collapsing currencies: the policy fixes that could help

Jonathan Munemo, Salisbury University Highly indebted African countries are facing stark trade-offs between servicing expensive debt, supporting high and growing development needs, and stabilising domestic currencies. Government debt has risen in at least 40 African countries over the past decade. As a result, some are experiencing a bad combination of high debt, elevated

Feb 6, 2024

Mining the depths: Norway’s deep-sea exploitation could put it in environmental and legal murky waters

ph. Icebergs floating in the ocean near Svalbard, an Arctic island chain on the edge of Norway’s proposed exploitation zone. (Christopher Michel/Flickr), CC BY Ashley Perl, University of Toronto Norway has a reputation for environmental leadership, from championing international biodiversity policies to its wilderness protection and ambitious biodiversity regulations. Now it is leading

Feb 5, 2024

How Argentina’s protesters are responding to a new president who wants to end environmental protections and sell off natural resources

Paula Serafini, Queen Mary University of London Argentina’s new ultra right-wing president Javier Milei, who took office in December 2023, has enjoyed a sudden rise to power. A libertarian economist who came to prominence for his aggressive, extremist declarations as a TV panellist, Milei managed to channel the desire for change of millions

Feb 5, 2024

Future of Education: Learning Redefined

In “News of the Week,” host Mike explores the future of education . The podcast delves into how digital technology and innovative teaching methods are transforming traditional learning into a more interactive, personalised experience. Highlighting the shift towards virtual reality, AI tutors, and student-centered approaches, Mike discusses the challenges and opportunities of ensuring

Feb 5, 2024

Tech Titans: R&D Strategies in the Digital Era

In the vanguard of technological evolution, the behemoths of the tech realm are redefining the contours of research and development (R&D) in this digital epoch. Their methodical and forward-thinking strategies in R&D are crafting a framework for triumph in an epoch where technological advancements occur at a staggering pace. Revolutionary R&D Modalities in