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Feb 2, 2024

Windows Interview – Lorenzo Baldanello

Dopo lo scandalo di “Cambridge Analytica” che ha posto un punto di non ritorno in termini di privacy e vendita di dati, come è mutata la percezione del valore delle informazioni personali nei cittadini italiani e globali? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel secondo episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è  Lorenzo Baldanello,

Feb 2, 2024

The Future is Bright: Green Engineering and Renewable Energy

In an era where the clarion call for environmental sustainability resonates louder than ever, the realms of green engineering and renewable energy have emerged not merely as buzzwords, but as imperative cogs in the wheel of global progress. This investigative piece delves into the intricate tapestry of this burgeoning sector, where innovation dovetails

Feb 2, 2024

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life

Title: The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life Author: Steven Bartlett In a world where business books often rehash the same themes, Steven Bartlett’s “The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life” emerges as a breath of fresh air. Not just another tome on

Jan 31, 2024

Philosophy Today: Unravelling Contemporary Threads in Human Inquiry

In the ever-shifting tableau of present-day philosophy, the dissection of humanistic studies emerges as a cornerstone in our comprehension of the milieu we inhabit. Herein, we undertake a thorough exploration into the contemporary currents sculpting philosophical thought today, illuminating the intricate viewpoints and trailblazing conceptions that are transforming this domain. Transmutation of Modern

Jan 31, 2024

Neuroplasticità: sbloccare il potenziale umano con la NeuroComunicAzione per il successo organizzativo

In questo articolo, esploreremo il concetto di “NeuroComunicAzione,” un approccio innovativo che sfrutta la neuroplasticità per migliorare le competenze di comunicazione e le dinamiche organizzative. Mentre la comunicazione efficace è un pilastro fondamentale per il successo in qualsiasi contesto, l’uso intelligente della neuroplasticità può portare la comunicazione a un livello superiore. . Read

Jan 31, 2024

Bringing Science to the Masses: The Role of Media

In this contemporary epoch, where the tendrils of scientific advancement increasingly entwine with societal evolution, the media’s role as a conduit for disseminating esoteric scientific concepts to the populace is more critical than ever. The media acts as a vital linchpin, transforming abstruse scientific notions into a vernacular accessible to the general populace,

Jan 30, 2024

Clues to autism’s causes may lie in the gut

Professor Alessio Fasano is keenly aware of the challenges faced by families that have children with autism. Fasano, a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in the US, has several relatives and friends raising children with autism – a neurological disorder characterised by impaired social behaviour.  Parallel worlds Autism symptoms usually emerge during the