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Nov 23, 2023

E-farming, a new business model or an old revisited idea?

In today’s market, it seems there are hundreds of opportunities to build a business from scratch that can produce staggering figures. These businesses, as many advertisements claim, are feasible even for those without skills, who know nothing, and have never done anything special. Most of the time, these are accompanied by promotions of

Nov 23, 2023

E-farming, un nuovo modello di business o una vecchia rivisitazione?

In un mercato come quello attuale sembra che esistano centinaia di opportunità per poter costruire un business da zero che produca cifre da capogiro.Business che, come citano molti advertising, sono fattibili anche da chi non ha competenze, non sa nulla e non hai mai fatto niente di particolare.La maggior parte delle volte accompagnate

Nov 22, 2023

Neuro-tecnologie e salute mentale: trasformare i programmi di benessere

Nel mondo frenetico in cui viviamo, la salute mentale è diventata una priorità urgente. Le sfide della vita moderna, dai crescenti livelli di stress alle preoccupazioni legate all’isolamento sociale, pongono gravi minacce al nostro benessere psicologico . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato

Nov 21, 2023

Development aid cuts will hit fragile countries hard, could fuel violent conflict

Patricia Justino, United Nations University and Laura Saavedra-Lux, United Nations University Fragile and least developed countries have had their development assistance cut drastically, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. For instance, net official development assistance to sub-Saharan African countries has shrunk by 7.8% compared to 2021. And development aid for

Nov 21, 2023

What is quantum advantage? A quantum computing scientist explains an approaching milestone marking the arrival of extremely powerful computers

IBM’s quantum computer got President Joe Biden’s attention. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images Daniel Lidar, University of Southern California Quantum advantage is the milestone the field of quantum computing is fervently working toward, where a quantum computer can solve problems that are beyond the reach of the most powerful non-quantum, or classical, computers.

Nov 21, 2023

Dal New Deal al nuovo sviluppo dell’economia privata e dell’impresa privata

Prima di soffermarmi sul tema dell’importanza determinante dell’interazione tra economia reale, finanza straordinaria e impresa, vorrei approfondire alcuni concetti fondamentali, anche se non sempre di facile comprensione. Nell’introduzione al mio ultimo articolo, ho richiamato le parole di un gigante che ha illuminato il mondo, John Fitzgerald Kennedy:“Non chiederti cosa può fare il tuo

Nov 20, 2023

The Impact of Falling Inflation on Your Finances

In this insightful episode of “News of the Week,” host Mike explores the significant effects of the latest ONS inflation figures on personal finance, specifically targeting mortgage rates and savings. Kai begins by discussing how the decrease in inflation is influencing mortgage rates, pointing out that this could lead to more affordable borrowing