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Sep 13, 2023

The four-day school week: Research shows benefits and consequences

by Denise-Marie Ordway, The Journalist’s Resource We updated this piece on the four-day school week, originally published in June 2018, to include new figures, research and other information on Sept. 6, 2023. Just over 2,100 schools in 26 states have switched to a four-day school week, often in hopes of recruiting teachers, saving

Sep 13, 2023

La Scienza della Motivazione: Decodificare la Neurobiologia dell’Impegno dei Dipendenti

Benvenuti nel mondo affascinante della scienza della motivazione, dove esploreremo i segreti della neurobiologia dell’impegno dei dipendenti. In un’epoca in cui la competitività e l’innovazione sono diventate la chiave per il successo aziendale, comprendere le dinamiche della motivazione è fondamentale . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan

Sep 12, 2023

Making drones suitable for cities

The Spanish resort town of Benidorm is known for its sandy beaches with clear waters, a skyline dominated by towering hotels and tourists from northern Europe. But one day in February, it also served as a testing ground for European society’s future with drones. Since the local economy depends on tourism during the

Sep 12, 2023

Economia, Stato, impresa, libertà di iniziativa economica. Ancora sul rapporto tra economia reale e impresa

Prima di riprendere l’argomento sulla fondamentale importanza dell’incontro tra economia reale, finanza straordinaria ed impresa, desidero soffermarmi su alcuni concetti fondamentali, per quanto non sempre di facile lettura. Nell’introduzione al mio ultimo articolo, come già ricordato in precedenza, ho richiamato alcune parole, di un gigante che ha illuminato il mondo: John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

Sep 11, 2023

Analysis of the stationarity and correlation of the global temperature and carbon dioxide time series

The rapid and ongoing phenomenon of global warming has negativelyimpacted both the Earth’s environment and its inhabitants. Time series and regression analysis techniques play a significant role in weather forecasting and the interpretation of climate data. One of the key characteristics of time series analysisis stationarity.Methods: In this article, we explore how detrending