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Jul 5, 2023

What the Media Keeps Getting Wrong About That Cultivated Meat Study

Lab grown meat is back in the news as two companies announce they’ve cleared the final regulatory hurdle to sell cultivated chicken to U.S. consumers. Grown from cells and brewed in reactors, cultivated meat is still expensive but what it offers is unparalleled — actual meat without the massive climate pollution caused by

Jul 4, 2023

Sleep like a baby: Helping new parents sleep better

In Australia, about 900 families welcome a new baby each day. This generally follows a nine-month pregnancy demarcated by three, three-month trimesters, but about two decades ago, leading American paediatrician Dr Harvey Karp, in his book The Happiest Baby on the Block, argued that there was in fact a post-birth fourth trimester. This fragile

Jul 4, 2023

Startup uses 3D prints to build “Urban Reefs” for better Air Quality

The Dutch startup “Urban Reef” uses 3D printers with renewable materials to create sculptures that are planted with a variety of mosses, mushrooms, and other plants. These help clean the polluted air of big cities with their natural processes like photosynthesis. As of now the project is still in development but already shows

Jul 4, 2023

Sea Ice Is Going, but When Will It Be Gone?

A pair of studies demonstrate the uncertainty over when the Arctic will become seasonally sea ice free. Every September since 1979, the U.S. government has measured the extent of sea ice in the Arctic. And the picture is not a pretty one—more than 2 million square kilometers have been lost in that time,

Jul 3, 2023

The Clash Over Climate Regulation in the Auto Industry

In this episode of “News of the Week”, we explore the intense conflict between the auto industry and the Biden administration’s ambitious climate change regulation.The proposed rule aims to achieve a significant shift towards electric vehicles, but the industry’s largest lobbying organization vehemently opposes it. We delve into the potential impact of the