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Nov 14, 2022

Amazon continues to destroy new goods and returns

An investigation by Greenpeace, Business Insider and ZDF frontal proves that Amazon continues to throw away and destroy returns and new goods. Secretly recorded images and conversations with employees reveal the ecological madness of a throwaway culture at Amazon. The company does not see itself as responsible, but rather the so-called third-party sellers.

Nov 8, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Canada Pitches European Gas Exports, But Europe Won’t Be Buying

Canadians are being sold on a future of natural gas exports to Europe just as European countries speed up their exit from all fossil fuels, says a leading energy transition researcher who’s just finished a series two-week fact-finding visits to Ireland, Denmark, and France. “There’s a disjoin between what the industry and governments

Nov 7, 2022

Fossil Decline Has Begun, But Time Running Out to Cut Emissions, Agencies Say

Oil and gas demand has levelled off, renewable energy costs are falling, and electric vehicles can dominate major markets by 2030, but countries will still need “unprecedented” emission reductions this decade to keep the worst of climate change under control, according to reports by three international agencies released yesterday and today. “The world

Nov 3, 2022

U.S. Streams Are Drying Up

A new study reports that streamflow drought is getting more intense in some parts of the United States, a phenomenon that is stressing the nation’s water policy and infrastructure. For millennia, communities throughout North America have adapted to the ebb and flow of waterways. Water infrastructure provides reservoirs for times of drought and

Nov 2, 2022

The case for banning fossil fuel ads

by Peter Dietsch, Leah Temper. Originally published on Policy OptionsOctober 28, 2022 Imagine you have an alcohol problem. Would it be a good idea to go to the local pub every night and expose yourself to the temptation to drink? Hardly. In a similar vein, the world has a serious greenhouse gas (GHG)

Nov 2, 2022

Opinion: India unprepared and under-resourced for plastic ban

Four months on from its introduction in July, the Indian government’s single-use plastics ban is already faltering in the absence of strong government enforcement and cross-sector efforts Every year as the seasons start to change, pandals appear all over Kolkata. Many organising committees for the Durga Puja, the biggest annual festival in West

Oct 24, 2022

Cattle Ranching Is Actually Terrible for Biodiversity

Regenerative grazing is often touted as the answer to just about every challenge in our current food system. Billed as a ‘natural’ fix, the concept appeals to environmentally conscious consumers who want to buy their meat from a farm that’s beneficial to the ecosystem. The marketing tells them what they want to hear

Oct 18, 2022

Device Made for the Moon May Aid in Carbon Sequestration on Earth

A pocket-sized device intended for use on the Moon could soon play a key role in Japan’s ambitious plans to sequester carbon dioxide. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves stripping carbon dioxide from emissions, pressurizing it into a “supercritical fluid,” then pumping it deep underground into porous rock reservoirs, where it will, in