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Mar 8, 2023

Come migliorare l’autostima: 5 strategie per sentirsi sicuri di sé

L’autostima è una valutazione soggettiva e globale che una persona fa di sé stessa, che include il giudizio sull’aspetto fisico, le abilità cognitive, le competenze sociali, le relazioni interpersonali e le caratteristiche personali. L’autostima è il giudizio che facciamo su noi stessi in base alle nostre esperienze di vita, alle nostre relazioni interpersonali,

Mar 1, 2023

Life Sciences: Trends to Watch for in 2023

As we move into 2023, the life sciences industry is poised to see significant growth and innovation in several key areas. With advancements in technology and the increasing demand for more effective and efficient treatments, there are several trends to keep an eye on in the coming year. Gene Editing and Gene TherapyGene

Feb 28, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary technology that has taken the world by storm. AI has found applications in various sectors, including healthcare. The use of AI in medicine has opened up new opportunities for doctors and healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes. In this article, we will discuss the uses of AI

Feb 7, 2023

Serotonin: A Controversy That Never Was

The media went crazy when a study showed low serotonin doesn’t cause depression—but this was something scientists had known all along. The confusion caused some patients to go off effective psychiatric medications, exposing an information gap it’s been hard to bridge. We can do better, and here’s how. By Ben Rein For decades

Feb 6, 2023

Native Americans have experienced a dramatic decline in life expectancy during the COVID-19 pandemic – but the drop has been in the making for generations

Indigenous patients who live in rural areas often have limited access to medical care. THE PALMER/E+ via Getty Images Allison Kelliher, University of North Dakota Six and one-half years. That’s the decline in life expectancy that the COVID-19 pandemic wrought upon American Indians and Alaska Natives, based on an August 2022 report from

Feb 3, 2023

VUCA 2.0: un nuovo significato

L’acronimo VUCA è nato negli anni ’80 ma viene citato molto spesso in questo periodo storico proprio per il suo significato di Volatilità, Incertezza, Complessità e Ambiguità che sono caratteristiche dell’attuale scenario globale che stiamo vivendo: V= Volatility, cioè volatilità, intesa come instabilità, mutevolezza U= Uncertainty, cioè incertezza, emblema di questo momento storico

Feb 3, 2023

VUCA 2.0: a new meaning

The acronym VUCA originated in the 1980s, but it comes up often in this historical period precisely because of its meaning—Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity—which characterizes the current global scenario we are experiencing: V= Volatility, understood as instability, changeability U= Uncertainty, the emblem of this moment in history C= Complexity, that is, a