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Feb 2, 2023

Accidental Rancher: The Darkest Days of the Year

by Eliza Blue, The Daily YonderJanuary 27, 2023 After several mild winters in a row, this winter is apparently intent on testing our mettle. Snow came early and has fallen often, accompanied by dangerously cold and high winds. Before the winter solstice even arrived, it felt like we were already several months into

Feb 2, 2023

NFL Has Been Slow to Embrace Mental Health Support for Players

Mark Kreidler January 20, 2023 When Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed on the field in the middle of the “Monday Night Football” game in Cincinnati on Jan. 2, Carrie Hastings, half a continent away, understood what she needed to do — and right away. “I had a few

Jan 27, 2023

La forza che vince l’inerzia

È stupefacente come scienza, fisica, filosofia e psicologia si fondono tra loro su alcuni concetti. Per esempio la FORZA è quella causa capace di modificare lo stato di quiete o di moto di un corpo. In fisica si intende fattore esterno che smuove un corpo dallo stato di Inerzia, ma in senso più

Jan 27, 2023

Strength is the force that beats inertia

It is amazing how science, physics, philosophy and psychology come together on certain concepts. For example, STRENGTH can be seen as a force capable of moving a person between states of activity and inactivity. In physics, the corresponding term is FORCE, which refers to an external agent that moves an object from a

Jan 5, 2023

What’s the fittest fitness for the oldest old?

Even for 60ish youngsters, researchers reaffirm that exercise is essential. But just walking won’t cut it — break out the weights and go for strength training too. By Lola Butcher Like many in her age range, Sylvia McGregor, a 97-year-old in Sydney, Australia, deals with her share of maladies — in her case,

Jan 4, 2023

Smartphone operated tool uses light beam to detect malaria

By: Neena Bhandari A quick, affordable, non-invasive detection tool could help accelerate progress in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals’ target to eliminate malaria, say researchers who developed it. The WHO’s global technical strategy for malaria 2016–2030 aims to reduce malaria incidence and mortality rates by at least 75 per cent by 2025