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Jul 10, 2020

The race to find a COVID-19 vaccine

It’s not an understatement to say that the entire nation’s hopes are focused on what’s happening in a Maryland laboratory – step one in manufacturing a potential coronavirus vaccine. Sean Kirk, executive vice president of Emergent BioSolutions, explained to correspondent Martha Teichner how a bioreactor is used to create the ingredients needed in

Jul 10, 2020

Legionella e amministratori di condominio

L’art. 5, comma 2, del d.lgs. 31/2001 afferma: “Per gli edifici e le strutture in cui l’acqua è fornita al pubblico, il titolare ed il responsabile della gestione dell’edificio o della struttura devono assicurare che i valori fissati nell’allegato 1, rispettati nel punto di consegna, siano mantenuti nel punto in cui l’acqua fuoriesce

Jul 9, 2020

Il cloro provoca il cancro?

Il cloro è l’agente chimico più utilizzato per la disinfezione dell’acqua potabile da microrganismi dannosi. La trasformazione del cloro in ipoclorito di sodio, sostanza dal grande potere disinfettante, e il suo utilizzo a questo fine, rappresentò, agli inizi del secolo scorso, una spinta al miglioramento qualitativo dell’acqua e al problema dell’approvvigionamento idrico, contribuendo

Jul 8, 2020

Can Europeans Handle a Spike in COVID-19 Cases?

Britain is poised to shutter individual towns in the event of a rise in confirmed cases. And the government has already locked down the English town of Leicester, where textile factories may be behind an alarming jump in infections, just as the rest of the country celebrated the easing of restrictions. Serbia reimposed

Jul 8, 2020

President Bolsonaro of Brazil Tests Positive for Coronavirus

RIO DE JANEIRO — President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, who has railed against social distancing measures and repeatedly downplayed the threat of the coronavirus as the epidemic in his country became the second-worst in the world, said Tuesday that he, too, had been infected. Critics at home and abroad have called Bolsonaro’s handling

Jul 8, 2020

Irish Health Minister says ‘privacy at the core’

Niall Carson Health Minister Stephen Donnelly launches the official Irish health service executive Covid Tracker contact tracing app at the Department of Health in Dublin Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said the new Covid- tracker app has “privacy at its core” as he appealed to people to download it. The app informs you if