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Jan 15, 2024

Fighting superbugs with tiny machines

Dr Ana Santos becomes emotional when describing what happened several years ago: her grandfather and an uncle died of a urinary tract infection and a good friend succumbed after an accidental cut got infected.  She was shocked. In an age of antibiotics, such misfortunes weren’t supposed to happen. Rise and fall of antiobiotics

Jan 3, 2024

On a mission to transform palliative healthcare

Ελληνική έκδοση ‘We are confident these digital tools work, they will improve the health services of the future’ With his colleagues at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas in Thessaloniki, Natsiavas coordinated a pioneering initiative (the MyPal project) that has the potential to change the doctor–patient relationship forever – by using digital

Dec 13, 2023

La Matrice della motivazione: decifrare le complessità dell’impulso umano

Nel mondo frenetico in cui viviamo, la salute mentale è diventata una priorità urgente. Le sfide della vita moderna, dai crescenti livelli di stress alle preoccupazioni legate all’isolamento sociale, pongono gravi minacce al nostro benessere psicologico . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato