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Aug 14, 2023

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into Healthcare and Medical Investigation

In the modern era, the amalgamation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has instigated a transformative wave across a multitude of sectors, the domain of healthcare and medical research being a notable beneficiary. This innovative conjunction has laid the groundwork for unparalleled progression, augmenting the calibre of patient care, expediting the

Jul 4, 2023

Sleep like a baby: Helping new parents sleep better

In Australia, about 900 families welcome a new baby each day. This generally follows a nine-month pregnancy demarcated by three, three-month trimesters, but about two decades ago, leading American paediatrician Dr Harvey Karp, in his book The Happiest Baby on the Block, argued that there was in fact a post-birth fourth trimester. This fragile

Jun 28, 2023

L’arte del feedback: come dare e ricevere feedback costruttivo per il successo professionale

L’importanza del feedback nella vita quotidiana: Il feedback è uno strumento potente che permea ogni aspetto della nostra vita. All’interno delle relazioni familiari, il feedback costruttivo può favorire una comunicazione aperta, migliorare la comprensione reciproca e rafforzare i legami affettivi. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan

Jun 28, 2023

The Significance of Hydration: An Extensive Manual for Ensuring Optimal Hydration

We cannot overemphasize the significance of proper hydration in maintaining overall well-being. Water, the Vitalizing Essence of Life, constitutes approximately 60% of the human body and plays a fundamental role in a myriad of crucial biological processes. These encompass digestion, nutrient absorption, temperature regulation, and waste elimination. Attaining and sustaining optimal hydration, therefore,

Jun 22, 2023

South Africa begins own production of groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug to make it affordable within the continent

South Africa will soon begin production of the groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug, long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA), finally making the life-saving treatment affordable within the African continent. The treatment, which must be injected every two months, almost entirely eliminates the risk of becoming infected by HIV through sex. This development is expected to help millions of

Jun 21, 2023

La diversità sul luogo di lavoro: come valorizzare le differenze per aumentare la creatività e l’innovazione

Nell’attuale contesto lavorativo, la diversità assume un ruolo fondamentale nel favorire la creatività e l’innovazione. Questo articolo si propone di esplorare l’importanza di valorizzare le differenze sul luogo di lavoro e di comprendere come la mancanza di diversità possa influenzare negativamente le relazioni e le dinamiche lavorative. . Read full article here Lingua

Jun 19, 2023

NHS’s Breakthrough: Revolution in Cancer Care

In this episode of ‘News of the Week’, we explore a revolutionary breakthrough in cancer treatment: the NHS’s innovative blood examination technique. This landmark development represents more than scientific progress, serving as a beacon of hope for those engaged in the battle against cancer. The technique promises to reshape the future of oncological

Jun 14, 2023

La leadership resiliente: come guidare una squadra attraverso le difficoltà

In un mondo in continua evoluzione, caratterizzato da sfide imprevedibili e incertezze costanti, la leadership resiliente emerge come una qualità fondamentale per guidare una squadra verso il successo. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico, professore e ricercatore di psicologia comportamentale presso