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May 18, 2022

Logic Bonbon: Exploring Food as Computational Artifact

In recognition of food’s significant experiential pleasures, culinary practitioners and designers are increasingly exploring novel combinations of computing technologies and food. However, despite much creative endeavors, proposals and prototypes have so far largely maintained a traditional divide, treating food and technology as separate entities.In contrast, we present a “Research through Design” exploration of

May 11, 2022

Intelligenza artificiale e metaverso nel social network del futuro

Che cos’è il metaverso? Cosa rappresenta e perché oggi è diventato la nuova frontiera del business? Molti, tra i i pochi che ancora conoscono l’argomento, si chiedono se ci saranno rischi per il nostro cervello.Approfondiamo tutte queste domande . Download full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro

Mar 14, 2022

Making European performance and impact assessment frameworks glocal

AbstractSustainability of research infrastructures (RIs) is a big challenge for funders, stakeholders and operators, and the development and adoption of adequate management tools is a major concern, namely tools for monitoring and evaluating their performance and impact. BioData.pt is the Portuguese Infrastructure of Biological and Portuguese node of the European Strategy Forum on

Oct 22, 2021

Windows Interview – Francesco Fichera

Il settore dei videogames nel mondo fattura 170 miliardi di dollari. L’apporto tecnologico, sempre più importante, viene gestito da molte giovani Start Up. L’Italia ha di che essere orgogliosa: Blaster Foundry è una Start Up catanese d’innovazione tecnologica all’avanguardia, già apprezzata anche nei mercati mondiali; collaborazioni, sinergie di confronto e molta voglia di

Sep 28, 2021

The five most impressive geological structures in the solar system

David Rothery, The Open University When we talk about amazing geological features, we often limit ourselves to those on Earth. But as a geologist, I think that’s crazy – there are so many structures on other worlds that can excite and inspire, and that can put processes on our own planet into perspective.

Sep 14, 2021

How To Get Rid Of Ground Hornets

How To Get Rid Of Ground Hornets  by How I Get Rid Of HQ  Ground hornets may look intimidating, but these solitary wasps are actually not known to be inherently aggressive towards people. That said, they can cause serious lawn damage and even potential health hazards to those with allergies or sensitivities. Besides,

Jul 9, 2021

Talend Survey Finds Executives Don’t Trust Or Understand Data

Despite being recognized as one of the most valuable assets in an organization, corporate data remains one of the least measured or understood. While decision makers have more access to data than ever before, there’s little way to make sense of it. New research delves into the difference between executives who are data-driven,

Jun 16, 2021

Here’s what scientists learn from studying pathogens in secure labs

Working with dangerous viruses sounds like trouble – but here’s what scientists learn from studying pathogens in secure labs Jerry Malayer, Oklahoma State University There are about 1,400 known human pathogens – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminths that can cause a person’s injury or death. But in a world with a trillion