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May 15, 2023

China’s Peace Envoy Engages in Discussions on Ukraine-Russia Conflict

China’s peace envoy is actively involved in talks regarding the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. This reflects China’s emerging role as a mediator on the global stage. The envoy’s participation aims to address escalating tensions and find a peaceful resolution. China’s involvement is driven by its economic interests in the region, as

May 5, 2023

Teachers now: Why I left and where I’ve gone

By Robyn Brandenburg, Ellen Larsen, Richard Sallis and Alyson Simpson “When you are a high achieving person, teaching sets you up for failure because you are never enough for everybody.” The teaching profession is in crisis. By 2025, the federal government estimates a shortfall of more than 4,000 high school teachers across the

May 4, 2023

The very bad math behind the Colorado River crisis

This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. California and Arizona are currently fighting each other over water from the Colorado River. But this isn’t new — it’s actually been going on for over 100 years. At one point, the states literally went to war about it. The problem comes down to

May 4, 2023

The Geopolitics of Asia: Navigating Regional Tensions and Alliances

Asia is home to diverse cultures, economies, and political systems, making it a complex and dynamic region in terms of geopolitics. Understanding the intricacies of regional tensions and alliances is crucial for countries seeking to navigate the political landscape and maintain stability in the area. Historical Background and Context Asia has a rich

May 2, 2023

How the US military used magazines to target ‘vulnerable’ groups with recruiting ads

Ad agencies developed distinct ads for the U.S. military to reach different demographics over the years. SDI Productions via Getty Images Jeremiah Favara, Gonzaga University In his forthcoming book, “Tactical Inclusion: Difference and Vulnerability in U.S. Military Advertising,” Jeremiah Favara, a communication scholar at Gonzaga University, examines military recruitment ads published in three

May 2, 2023

Countries compete for Arctic power as China and Russia strike new deal

China and Russia signed an agreement to increase their power and influence in the Arctic by developing infrastructure and exploring the region’s natural resources. Other Arctic nations may see this move as a threat to their own interests. It’s crucial to protect the fragile Arctic ecosystem. Reading: William More News of the Week

Apr 27, 2023

The Global Refugee Crisis: A Humanitarian Challenge in Need of Urgent Action

The global refugee crisis constitutes one of the most pressing humanitarian challenges of our time. Millions of people worldwide have been forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, and environmental disasters, placing immense strain on host countries and demanding urgent action from the international community. The Scope of the Crisis According to the United