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Jul 11, 2022

Windows Interview – Sara Moalli

A volte affrontare un reality televisivo dà il coraggio di fare scelte importanti, offrendo visioni differenti di sé stessi e del futuro. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Sara Moalli, vincitrice di Bake Off Italia 8. Nel corso della conversazione ci soffermiamo sul dietro le quinte,

Jul 5, 2022

How British Is The European Convention On Human Rights?

Some people talk about the European Convention of Human Rights as if it was imposed on the unwilling British by our continental neighbours, but the reality may surprise you. Europe united by democracy and human rights? So whose idea was that? The European Convention on Human Rights came into effect on 3 September

Jul 4, 2022

Windows Interview – Maffezzoni e Madam

Fatti di cronaca riportano costantemente in evidenza forme latenti di un “razzismo” ancora diffuso nel nostro Paese. Nel periodo in cui i diritti umani vengono celebrati, ecco due testimonianze di rilievo. Ospiti di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, sono Loretta Maffezzoni, modella neolaureata con il sogno di diventare

Jun 28, 2022

Windows Interview – Lorenzo Riberto

Nella settimana della ricorrenza dei moti di Stonewall, origine delle rivendicazioni dei Diritti Umani LGBT+, redazione ed editore hanno voluto dedicare una conversazione a un tema sempre oggetto di discussioni. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Lorenzo Riberto, Senior Omnichannel Program Manager del Gruppo Rossignol. Nella

Jun 28, 2022

“Work will pay again”: EU directive for adequate minimum wage

The EU Parliament agrees on the new directive for an adequate minimum wage. In the future, the cost of living, purchasing power, general economic growth and the wage structure of an EU member state will be used as benchmarks for the national minimum wage. The new directive obliges EU member states to ensure

Jun 27, 2022

Roe overturned: What you need to know about the Supreme Court abortion decision

A half-century of reproduction rights upended by the Supreme Court. Brandon Bell/Getty Images Linda C. McClain, Boston University and Nicole Huberfeld, Boston University After half a century, Americans’ constitutional right to get an abortion has been overturned by the Supreme Court. The ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – handed down

Jun 27, 2022

The Truth behind the Myth of Russia ‘Threatened’ by NATO

Facts give the lie to Russia’s claim to be defending itself against an expansionist NATO. Moscow has always been the biggest threat to its neighbours, to freedom and to the whole of humanity. The regime of Vladimir Putin spends more than $300 million annually on disseminating its propaganda and disinformation in various languages