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Jun 27, 2022

The Truth behind the Myth of Russia ‘Threatened’ by NATO

Facts give the lie to Russia’s claim to be defending itself against an expansionist NATO. Moscow has always been the biggest threat to its neighbours, to freedom and to the whole of humanity. The regime of Vladimir Putin spends more than $300 million annually on disseminating its propaganda and disinformation in various languages

Jun 24, 2022

Diversità e inclusione nel mondo delle imprese

Diversità ed inclusione: dopo la trasformazione digitale e le politiche di lavoro agile, il terzo fattore di successo che ancora fatica a farsi strada nel mondo aziendale. 1. Introduzione Credo fosse il 2015 quando per la prima volta mi trovai a discutere di trasformazione digitale in un contesto di impresa. L’idea alla base

Jun 24, 2022

Diversity and inclusion in companies

Diversity & Inclusion: after digital transformation and smart-working policies, the third key success pillar that companies fail to embrace 1. Introduction It was 2015 when I first heard companies discussing digital transformation and how this would have changed their business, with the idea that productivity, efficiency, and sales as a result could leap

Jun 22, 2022

Windows Interview – Pietro Regazzoni

La passione per i viaggi suscita la voglia di condividerne le emozioni, le immagini, i racconti di quelle esperienze vissute che li rendono indimenticabili. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Pietro Regazzoni, ricercatore e scrittore. Il suo libro “Quando passa il treno. La Transmongolica da Mosca

Jun 21, 2022

Cuba introduces new Equality Bill “Códi­go de las fami­li­as”

Discussions about a new bill on family law are being held in Cuba. The new bill includes the legalization of same-sex marriage, measures to achieve gender equality and protection of victims of domestic violence. The introduction of a new family law in autumn 2021 has led to widespread discussions among the Cuban population.

Jun 20, 2022

Queer young people in Australia face disproportionate challenges

New research from the Monash University Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice has found that queer young people in Australia face disproportionate challenges in contrast to their heterosexual peers in key areas such as education, health and employment. A comprehensive survey of more than five hundred young Australians aged 18-24, and in-depth

Jun 13, 2022

Windows Interview – Andrea Muratore

Il conflitto in atto rischia di generare la cosiddetta crisi alimentare del grano: ogni giorno si creano allarmismi e smentite che rendono difficile una piena comprensione, al netto delle rispettive propagande. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Andrea Muratore, analista geopolitico e scrittore. La conversazione tocca

Jun 13, 2022

The Financial Interdependence of North and South India

Abstract Vigorous growth of technology and the manufacturing industry in some states of southern India has been witnessed. This has popularized the belief that the southern states are supporting northern states financially and their taxes are being used to benefit the poor northern states. The article here is an analysis of the various