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May 30, 2022

Spain changes its policy on the Western Sahara issue

Western Sahara was a colony belonging to Spain until 1975, and was annexed by Morocco after the withdrawal of the Spanish, although this annexation is not recognized by most states. For 46 years, the Polisario movement there has been fighting for independence from Morocco and its policy. Until recently, Spain supported the demand

May 27, 2022

Togo looks like West Africa’s new frontier of violent extremism

A group of armed Islamists gathered in Gao, northern Mali in 2012. Now such groups are seeking foothold in Togo. Photo by Issouf Sanogo/AFP via Getty Images Folahanmi Aina, King’s College London The threat of violent extremism across West Africa has been on the rise in recent times. Boko Haram and the Islamic

May 20, 2022

Windows Interview – Michael L. Giffoni

La conferma di una politica soft nazionalista e filorussa in Serbia, le scintille nella Bosnia-Erzegovina e il malcontento nel Kosovo rappresentano la brace che arde sotto l’infodemia mediatica del conflitto russo-ucraino. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Michael L. Giffoni, ex ambasciatore italiano in Kosovo. Perché

May 12, 2022

Why Bulgaria and Poland can withstand Russia cutting off their gas supply

Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading Russian energy giant Gazprom has completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Both countries are apparently being punished for refusing Russia’s demand that they pay for their gas in roubles. Other EU countries have also refused to pay in Russian currency (doing so would provide a

May 10, 2022

Europe welcomes Ukrainian refugees with an asylum system that averages more than 15 months of delay

Ukrainian refugees now arrive under the aegis of the ultra-fast special protection system, but regular reception centres are piling up hundreds of thousands of applications and rejecting many. Eva Belmonte, Ángela Bernardo, Miguel Ángel Gavilanes, Carmen Torrecillas, David Cabo, Lucas Laursen, April 4, 2022 Story originally published in Civio “The breakdown is brutal,”

May 6, 2022

Behind the Scenes – Filming “Conversations around.. Exclusion”

In 2020 we launched our first feature documentary Excluded inspired by direct-action activism on exclusion by a group of affected young people from the summer of 2018. In this documentary we wanted to platform the diverse voices of young people from across the UK with lived and learned experience of exclusion and to