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Apr 7, 2022

Simple: How Finland decreased maternal mortality rates with a cardboard box

Finland has the world’s lowest mortality rate among babies and pregnant women. And all because of a cardboard box! The state gives expectant families a so-called “maternity box”. The starter package for new parents contains not only countless useful gifts for the newborn, such as unisex rompers, bedding or warm outdoor clothing, the

Apr 5, 2022

Whatever Happened to Biden’s Pandemic Testing Board?

by Bianca Fortis ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. When President Joe Biden was campaigning for office, he said that to beat the coronavirus, the U.S. needed the testing equivalent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s War

Apr 4, 2022

Windows Interview – Cristian Tava

Il mondo sostenibile inizia con le piccole realtà urbane, dai comuni ai bellissimi borghi d’Italia. In uno di essi, a Offagna in provincia di Ancona, nasce un progetto che vuole creare un modello adattabile a paesi, quartieri e città. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Cristian

Mar 29, 2022

We Eastern Europeans Are Not Surprised by Putin’s Brutal Plans

The Russian leader’s dreams of imperial conquest have shocked the West – but on this side of Europe, we have long memories – and know what vengeful dictators are capable of. The day that Russia invaded Ukraine I was teaching my class: “Tales of political dystopia: storytelling after the Berlin Wall”. That’s a

Mar 28, 2022

25 million people cannot live on their wages: EU needs higher minimum wages and collective agreements for all

The European Trade-Union Institute (ETUI) publishes a report on inequality in Europe: The Benchmarking Working Europe 2021 study suggests that inequality in Europe continues to rise. The EU Commission proposes a directive on adequate minimum wages and collective bargaining. This is supposed to counteract inequality. 25 million people would benefit directly. 25 million

Mar 25, 2022

India’s Reasons For Abstaining in the UN on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Historic ties, military equipment, geopolitical imperatives and a trust deficit between Indian and American ruling parties lie behind India’s UN abstentions. On February 26, the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution proposed by the United States. Of the 15 members of the Security Council, 11 voted in favor and Russia unsurprisingly

Mar 22, 2022

Windows Interview – Lorenzo Lamperti

Con il conflitto russo-ucraino si accendono preoccupazioni per un’altra questione territoriale, quella di Taiwan, negli ultimi tempi al centro di discussioni nei delicati rapporti tra Cina e Stati Uniti d’America. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è il giornalista Lorenzo Lamperti, Direttore editoriale di China Files, curatore