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Oct 11, 2021

Windows Interview – Anna Illy

Etica, sostenibilità, green agricolture, formazione, sono elementi determinanti nell’identità della Fondazione Ernesto Illy. L’attenzione alla crescita formativa del “capitale umano”, attraverso la creazione del Master in Economia e Scienza del Caffè, è un chiaro esempio di contributo allo sviluppo della conoscenza. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview,

Oct 1, 2021

How Live Streaming Has Changed Sports Fandom

Sports have been among the most popular television shows for decades across the globe, and that is still relevant for 2021. Whether it’s football, soccer, basketball or cricket, fans will happily pay a monthly subscription for digital television to watch their favourite sport or team. With the rapid changes in technology over recent

Sep 21, 2021

Scotland planning on four-day working week

A four-day week is to be trialled in Scotland – with no loss of pay for workers. A report published in early September makes suggestions on how shorter working hours could be implemented for Scots, drawing on experiences in Iceland and New Zealand. FOLLOWING THE ICELANDIC EXAMPLEIn Scotland, labour shortages in some sectors

Jul 12, 2021

Study Shows Older Americans Are Coping Best During the Pandemic

If you think older Americans have struggled to cope through the pandemic, think again. According to new research by financial services firm Edward Jones, they have actually been faring far better than their younger counterparts. The Edward Jones and Age Wave Study focused exclusively on how different generations have held up emotionally and

May 24, 2021

Windows Interview – Volt Italia

Dall’Europa all’Italia, per conquistare a Milano anche le nuove generazioni. Già presente alle elezioni europee del 2018, Volt è un movimento fondato sui valori della libertà, dell’uguaglianza, dell’equità intergenerazionale, di genere e territoriale, della solidarietà tra e nei popoli e dell’uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali. Volt Italia e, quindi, Volt Milano scendono nell’arena

May 4, 2021

EU report accuses Russia, China of sowing mistrust in Western vaccines

From December to April, the two countries’ state media outlets pushed fake news online in multiple languages sensationalising vaccine safety concerns, making unfounded links between jabs and deaths in Europe and promoting Russian and Chinese vaccines as superior, the EU study said. The Kremlin and Beijing deny all disinformation allegations by the EU,