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Jul 28, 2020

Economia digitale e finanziamenti europei

In un contesto economico globale in sofferenza, bisogna considerare che l’economia digitalesta crescendo sette volte di più rispetto agli altri settori. Tale crescita è tuttavia frenata da politiche disomogenee e da una diffusione a macchia di leopardo di servizi e strumenti per la società dell’informazione. Per quanto riguarda la situazione in Italia, anche

Jul 27, 2020

Trump is setting us up for an Election Day nightmare

Some take comfort from the polls, believing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden will win with a large enough margin to make all these concerns irrelevant. Maybe. But it is also quite possible things will get very messy. The polls might prove even less useful this year than they were in . Assuming we

Jul 26, 2020

President Truman ends discrimination in the military

President Harry S. Truman signs Executive Order 9981—ending discrimination in the military—on July 26, 1948. Truman’s order ended a long-standing practice of segregating Black soldiers and relegating them to more menial jobs. African Americans had been serving in the United States military since the Revolutionary War, but were deployed in their largest numbers during

Jul 24, 2020

Sostenibilità e Generazione Z

“Il mondo si sta svegliando e il cambiamento sta arrivando” ha affermato Greta Thunberg nel corso di una recente manifestazione. Al di là delle possibili implicazioni sull’azione che i Paesi andranno porre in essere per contrastare le emergenze ambientali, occorre mettere in evidenza quanto questa frase sia degna introduzione a una nuova era

Jul 23, 2020

Jessica Shuran Yu condemns training abuse in China

A world championship figure skater has urged the International Olympic Committee to do more to protect vulnerable young girls after detailing how she and others suffered abuse inside the Chinese system. Jessica Shuran Yu, who was born, raised and trained in China and competed in the world championships before helping to coach junior

Jul 23, 2020

PM Narendra Modi’s pitches nation as global investment destination

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a renewed pitch presenting India as an investment destination while highlighting his government’s vision of fighting global economic challenges presented by exigencies such as coronavirus through the principle of self-reliance. He said that India is emerging as a land of opportunity while listing the conditions for attracting

Jul 22, 2020

U.S. orders China to close its consulate in Houston

The United States said Wednesday that it has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston to protect American intellectual property and the private information of Americans. China strongly condemned the move, the latest in a series of steps by the Trump administration as it ratchets up pressure on the world s second-largest

Jul 22, 2020

La strategia Europea 2014-2020 in sintesi

Gli obiettivi della programmazione europea in breve Nell’attuale ciclo, l’UE concentra la sua programmazione soprattutto nella direzione di creare un numero maggiore di posti di lavoro migliori e una società socialmente inclusiva. Tali obiettivi sono al centro della Strategia Europa 2020, integrata da 7 Iniziative prioritarie. Tale Strategia mira a una crescita che sia: intelligente, grazie a investimenti più