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Jul 21, 2020

Human Rights: ombre nel Bahrain

Nominando il regno del Barhain, automaticamente la mente riporta al Gran Premio di Formula Uno che si disputa ogni anno in loco, a scadenza primaverile; oppure, la fantasia fa sognare una vacanza ricca di storia e cultura dal fascino mediorientale. Il Bahrain è un piccolo Stato che si regge su un minuscolo arcipelago

Jul 21, 2020

Imprenditore, eroe del nostro tempo

“Ahi fiacca Italia, d’indolenza ostello” V. Alfieri Non fosse stato un drammaturgo ma un imprenditore, oggi Alfieri avrebbe l’ardire di riempire piazze con la frase in oggetto e, magari, sorridendo tra gatti e sardine necessari solo a distogliere l’attenzione dai problemi veri di un Paese in difficoltà. Questi imprenditori, a testa bassa, proseguono

Jul 18, 2020

Ending an Era, British Airways Retires Fleet of Boeing 747s

British Airways will retire its entire fleet of Boeing airplanes, the company said on Friday, citing the travel downturn and the high cost of operating the aircraft. The decision marked not just the finishing point of a storied plane’s service with the company but also symbolized the end an era of aviation in

Jul 18, 2020

John Lewis, civil rights icon and longtime congressman, dies

In his memoir, Lewis said Alabama’s “Bloody Sunday” was a strange day from the get-go. “It was somber and subdued, almost like a funeral procession,” he wrote in “Walking With the Wind“ of the march he led with Hosea Williams. “There were no big names up front, no celebrities. This was just plain

Jul 17, 2020

US, Canada, UK accuse Russia of hacking COVID-19 vaccine trials

Hackers backed by the Russian government are attempting to steal information from researchers and pharmaceutical companies racing to find a COVID- vaccine, Britain, the United States and Canada alleged Thursday.  images Science researcher in full protection equipment is studying and developing new vaccine in biochemistry to fight against coronavirus in safety laboratory. Britain’s National

Jul 16, 2020

5 things to know about France’s new PM Jean Castex

Here are five things to know about France’s new head of government. Castex carries the classic profile of a French high-level public servant, having attended the elite national school of public administration from which Macron also graduated alongside most of the top political class. Castex was an adviser on social affairs in former

Jul 16, 2020

Pompeo downplays possibility of summit with North Korea

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo downplayed the possibility of another summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un before the U.S. presidential election, saying Trump would only want to engage if there were real prospects of progress. South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who has called for another Trump-Kim

Jul 16, 2020

Trump demotes campaign manager Brad Parscale

Less than four months from Election Day, President Donald Trump announced a major shake-up to his reelection team on Wednesday night, demoting longtime campaign manager Brad Parscale amid sinking polling numbers and a string of botched efforts to reboot his campaign amid the ongoing pandemic. I am pleased to announce that Bill Stepien