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Green Party Calls for a $4 Trillion Green Economic Stimulus

The Greens are also calling for Biden to formally declare a climate emergency and to invest an additional $1.4 trillion annually to implement an Economic Bill of Rights. The numbers are based on several studies commissioned during the 2020 Green Party presidential campaign of Howie Hawkins. The Democrats are expected to propose a

A ‘fundamental concern’ coming from the shift to green energy

President Joe Biden has ambitious plans when it comes to addressing climate change. He wants to eliminate net carbon emissions from the energy sector by 2035, and from the entire U.S. economy by 2050. The big shift away from the burning of oil, gas and coal that would necessitate will put many American

Africa Must Lead On Climate Change

To preserve its own survival, and secure its own prosperity, Africa must provide global leadership on responsible environmental stewardship and offer the world a novel model of climate led development. This could also make Africa rich. Nigeria, the country of my parents’ birth, celebrated the 60th anniversary of its independence on October 1st.

Biology: Elections have major consequences for environment

Elections have consequences. Some of those consequences affect our health and that of the biosphere, the thin, living shell covering Earth. Those impacts increased after our last presidential election. The next election will likely cause even more impacts. Early this year, President Donald Trump claimed “nobody could have predicted something like (COVID-19).” Yet

WWF report finds sharp decline in biodiversity, Canada in ‘crisis’

Over years, mammal, fish, bird, reptile, and amphibian species declined an average of 68 per cent. Latin American and Caribbean populations have seen the sharpest drop, with an average decline of 94 per cent, as well as freshwater species worldwide, which has shrunk by 84 per cent. Wildlife declines are happening here too,

Psychological effects of climate change

Amy Scott takes in the view from the Embarcadero as wildfire smoke mixes with the marine layer, blanketing San Francisco in darkness and an orange glow on Sept. , in San Francisco. Over million acres have burned this year. Images In a sunny Australian city known for being one of the world’s largest