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Sea Ice Is Going, but When Will It Be Gone?

A pair of studies demonstrate the uncertainty over when the Arctic will become seasonally sea ice free. Every September since 1979, the U.S. government has measured the extent of sea ice in the Arctic. And the picture is not a pretty one—more than 2 million square kilometers have been lost in that time,

The Clash Over Climate Regulation in the Auto Industry

In this episode of “News of the Week”, we explore the intense conflict between the auto industry and the Biden administration’s ambitious climate change regulation.The proposed rule aims to achieve a significant shift towards electric vehicles, but the industry’s largest lobbying organization vehemently opposes it. We delve into the potential impact of the

Climate Change Aftermath: An Elucidation from a Respected UK Climatologist

Deciphering Climate Shifts Emerging from an eminent British academic environment, I present a learned view on the daunting subject of climatic shift. The Earth’s meteorological character has been eternally versatile, oscillating naturally across epochs. Yet, the accelerated fluctuations we’re observing presently are largely the consequence of human pursuits, with extensive repercussions on global

Unfolding Future Tech: Stalwarts in the War against Climate Transformation

Climate transformation poses a relentless global menace, and the urgency to unearth solutions capable of counteracting, if not entirely reversing, the repercussions of our historical and current behaviour, is skyrocketing. The instrumental impact of technological innovation in this crusade cannot be overemphasised. We venture to delve into five potentially revolutionary technologies that could

Protected areas store a year’s worth of CO₂ emissions, study reveals

By avoiding deforestation, globally protected areas store roughly one year’s worth of global fossil fuel emissions, compared to otherwise unprotected areas. That’s the conclusion of a recently published study that sought to calculate the carbon benefits of preserving forests and other landscapes. Brazil’s Amazon has the highest rate of carbon stock of protected

The kids aren’t alright

Montana turns its back on its children I can’t claim to understand love. Is it an intimate emotional connection that binds us together? A chemical reaction surging through our cerebral cortex? A genetic adaptation that helps ensure the propagation of our species? The sublime gift of some greater power? I honestly don’t know.

In India, Climate Change Is Devastating Animals and Farmers Alike

In the past 40 months, four veterinary doctors visited the cattle on Babaso Punale’s farm over 40 times. “I didn’t know a single vet in our village ‘til floods devastated everything in 2019. Now, there are four vets on my speed dial list,” he says. The 50-year-old farmer has been observing deteriorating cattle

The Unparalleled Benefits of a Green Economy for People and Planet

In the face of mounting environmental challenges, it has become increasingly clear that transitioning to a green economy isn’t merely a viable alternative – it’s an absolute necessity. So, what exactly is a green economy? It’s a type of economy that generates increased human well-being and social equity while drastically diminishing environmental hazards

Flexitarianism Is Rising — Along With Demand for Chicken

Only a third of U.S. consumers consider “climate-friendliness” when shopping at the grocery store, a new survey finds. Environmental sustainability lags far behind taste, price, healthfulness and convenience for the 11th year in a row, according to this year’s consumer research from the International Food Information Council (IFIC). The number of self-reported vegans