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The Cost of Inaction on Climate is Too High

In the realm of environmental deliberation, the spectre of apathy towards climate metamorphosis stands as an immediate and pressing concern, brooking no dalliance. As a civilisation woven together, we are ensnared by a challenge without precedent—one that menaces to fray the very sinews of our ecological and economical infrastructure. The levy exacted by

Youths to G7: Protect Our Generation

What if governments finally decided to act on climate change and environmental degradation? Later this month world leaders will gather in Hiroshima, Japan for the 49th G7 summit, the annual meeting devoted to issues of global diplomacy. Will they listen to the voices of their youngest constituents and act on climate change? A

Regulator Plans New Guideline to ‘Support’ Banks on Climate Risk

A September 30 deadline is looming for public comment on a new guideline meant to protect Canada’s finance sector from climate impacts, without addressing finance’s role in driving the climate emergency, an outside analyst warns. The May, 2022 draft on climate risk management issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Big Water Pipelines, an Old Pursuit, Still Alluring in Drying West

By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue – July 21, 2022 As the region’s climate becomes drier, more pipelines are being proposed despite the economic and climate risks. Pipelines that are advancing the fastest are rural and tribal projects backed by federal funding. The proposals echo a century of large-scale water engineering that ushered