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What is happening to Pakistan’s Green Stimulus?

New climate change minister Sherry Rehman has given her assurance that Pakistan will remain serious about conservation Wajahat Shah, 32, is a labourer at a government-run tree plantation, spread over 3,000 hectares of army land in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. “Ten days after the government announced the lockdown due to coronavirus, I had

Explainer: What is regenerative agriculture?

From policymakers to farmers and food companies, regenerative agriculture is being hailed as an alternative for food production with lower environmental impacts Regeneration” is a buzzword in the agriculture sector and beyond. It’s the subject of a Netflix documentary, Kiss the Ground, which centres on the UN’s projection that we may only have

New ‘Business As Usual’ with Russia Affects Arctic Climate Response, Experts Say

As global heating brings dire ecological challenges and new resource opportunities to the Arctic, international security experts agree that stakeholder nations must work together to navigate the changing security dynamics—with the exclusion of Russia, whose war in Ukraine is threatening international order. “Climate change is increasingly referred to as a defining threat in

Hydrogen+CCS Loses Climate Benefit as Renewable Energy Costs Fall

The falling cost of wind and solar could “substantially erode” the value of carbon capture and storage technologies as a pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the fossil-friendly mix of hydrogen production with CCS losing up to 96% of its climate benefit, according to a new study in the journal One Earth.

How Big Oil Rigs the System to Keep Winning

The oil and gas industry has refined its techniques to stay a step ahead over decades. And it has no plans to stop anytime soon. Despite countless investigations, lawsuits, social shaming, and regulations dating back decades, the oil and gas industry remains formidable. After all, it has made consuming its products seem like

Finnish dairy brand “Valio”: profits go only to the dairy farmers

A Finnish dairy company is becoming a model company: the profits belong directly to the dairy farmers instead of large investors, the cows are fed only natural feed and climate-neutral corporate management is part of everyday life. Valio, a dairy company from Finland, is considered one of the most innovative and sustainable companies