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How Big Oil Rigs the System to Keep Winning

The oil and gas industry has refined its techniques to stay a step ahead over decades. And it has no plans to stop anytime soon. Despite countless investigations, lawsuits, social shaming, and regulations dating back decades, the oil and gas industry remains formidable. After all, it has made consuming its products seem like

Finnish dairy brand “Valio”: profits go only to the dairy farmers

A Finnish dairy company is becoming a model company: the profits belong directly to the dairy farmers instead of large investors, the cows are fed only natural feed and climate-neutral corporate management is part of everyday life. Valio, a dairy company from Finland, is considered one of the most innovative and sustainable companies

Burgenland intends to become Europe’s first climate-neutral region

Burgenland in Austria under Governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ – the Social Democratic Party of Austria) wants to become the first climate-neutral region in Europe by 2025. To this end, Austria’s energy utility is investing two billion euros to fight climate change and presenting a policy with four pillars: Expansion of renewable energy,

Windows Interview – Anna Illy

Etica, sostenibilità, green agricolture, formazione, sono elementi determinanti nell’identità della Fondazione Ernesto Illy. L’attenzione alla crescita formativa del “capitale umano”, attraverso la creazione del Master in Economia e Scienza del Caffè, è un chiaro esempio di contributo allo sviluppo della conoscenza. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview,

Clean And Green – The New Economy Set To Transform The Caribbean

Seismic shifts are taking place in the global economic architecture as countries accelerate efforts to transition clean and green economies. In 2015, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP21, world leaders signed the landmark Paris Agreement. This pact signaled the collective ambition of 196 countries to contribute to the goal

Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy: Green economy strategy

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has put forth their strategy for developing a climate‐resilient green economy by 2025. The government states that Ethiopia aims to be a middle‐income country by 2025. However, the strategy recognises that achieving this through the conventional development path would result in dramatically increased carbon emissions and unsustainable

Green Party Calls for a $4 Trillion Green Economic Stimulus

The Greens are also calling for Biden to formally declare a climate emergency and to invest an additional $1.4 trillion annually to implement an Economic Bill of Rights. The numbers are based on several studies commissioned during the 2020 Green Party presidential campaign of Howie Hawkins. The Democrats are expected to propose a

UAE businesses boost green economy

The UAE’s policy to build a sustainable nation is evident in the initiatives it has taken in the recent past as it joins several nations to support Earth Hour on Saturday. On Saturday, 27 March at 8:30 p.m. UAE time, Emirates Nature-WWF is inviting the UAE community to virtually participate in Earth Hour,