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Ice Catastrophes, Plastic-Choked Rivers and the Pivot to the Green Economy

Earth’s ice sheets have misplaced 28 trillion tons of ice mass because the Nineteen Nineties and will proceed accelerating as hotter oceans undercut glaciers alongside coasts, The Washington Put up stories. A brand new research printed within the journal Copernicus says that between 1994 and 2017, the Arctic misplaced 7.6 trillion tons of

Thailand powers towards a Green Economy

When Somphote Ahunai returned to Bangkok after completing an MBA degree in the US, he had $200 left in the bank. Today the renewable energy and electric vehicle company he founded has a market value of $5.6 billion and testifies to Thailand’s highly successful advance into green and sustainable industries. After initially working

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Announces Green Economy Plan For New York

During his third iteration of the “State of the State” address this week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo concentrated on building a green economy for the state and working to combat climate concerns. Cuomo laid out ambitious plans to create the largest off-shore wind program in the nation and New York’s “Green Energy

Luxury cars go green inside

As automakers push toward embracing the electric motor, questions are rising about accessories: Can a car truly be green if the cabin is coated in leather and plastic? Luxury brands are leading the way in exploring more environmentally friendly options. Recycled and sustainable materials are challenging the staid leather, wood and wool template

Our future must be green

World Environment Day comes this year to a planet that is preoccupied with the effects of COVID-19, a pandemic that has played with the lives of millions and affected some two-thirds of the people that share this planet. And as nations emerge from the darkest days of the coronavirus crisis, there is a

Il sogno e la ricerca di materiali alternativi

L’effetto “Greta Thunberg” ha travolto l’opinione pubblica e contribuito a far aumentare il livello di attenzione sui temi dello sviluppo sostenibile e dei cambiamenti climatici. Lo stiamo notando nei crescenti spazi riservati all’argomento da parte dei media ma anche nelle sollecitazioni a comportamenti virtuosi che si avvertono, di conseguenza, nell’opinione pubblica e, ragionando

Why making small, green changes to your lifestyle

How can something as simple and homely as making raspberry juice in Peckham have anything to do with saving the planet? Many writers and environmental campaigners argue that greening our own lifestyles is a waste of time as we should be devoting all efforts on pressing for government action. If changing our own

L’utilizzo della canapa in industria

L’Italia era tra i principali produttori e coltivatori mondiali di canapa sativa o industriale fino alla prima metà del secolo scorso. Nel 1931 la coltura (destinata al settore tessile) occupava 90.000 ettari dei migliori terreni italiani, producendo tra 850.000 e 1.000.000 di quintali di fibra, per un valore di 700 milioni di lire.