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Three ways to reduce Europe’s flood risk

Paul Hudson, Leiden University From the Czech Republic to Spain, Europe has been plagued by devastating floods this autumn. Climate scientists agree that severe flooding was probably driven by climate change resulting in record-breaking rainfall. Warmer temperatures increase the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, especially over warmer oceans, which increases the

India’s million-dollar betel leaf industry is suffering in a warming world

Erratic regional rainfall and temperature fluctuations pose risks for the hugely popular but climatically sensitive plant Farmers across India are reporting that climate change is adversely affecting the quality of the betel leaf. The hugely popular plant, consumed by millions of people in South Asia, is struggling amid erratic rainfall and unusual temperature

The ‘climate dystopia’ displacing millions of Pakistanis

Parts of the country have received 5 times more rainfall this August than average. After weeks of relentless rains, a new cycle of flash floods devastated parts of Pakistan over the weekend, raising the country’s monsoon death toll to 1,136 since June, according to the country’s National Disaster Management Authority. Nearly 1 million