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The Truth behind the Myth of Russia ‘Threatened’ by NATO

Facts give the lie to Russia’s claim to be defending itself against an expansionist NATO. Moscow has always been the biggest threat to its neighbours, to freedom and to the whole of humanity. The regime of Vladimir Putin spends more than $300 million annually on disseminating its propaganda and disinformation in various languages

New ‘Business As Usual’ with Russia Affects Arctic Climate Response, Experts Say

As global heating brings dire ecological challenges and new resource opportunities to the Arctic, international security experts agree that stakeholder nations must work together to navigate the changing security dynamics—with the exclusion of Russia, whose war in Ukraine is threatening international order. “Climate change is increasingly referred to as a defining threat in

Why Bulgaria and Poland can withstand Russia cutting off their gas supply

Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading Russian energy giant Gazprom has completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Both countries are apparently being punished for refusing Russia’s demand that they pay for their gas in roubles. Other EU countries have also refused to pay in Russian currency (doing so would provide a

Europe welcomes Ukrainian refugees with an asylum system that averages more than 15 months of delay

Ukrainian refugees now arrive under the aegis of the ultra-fast special protection system, but regular reception centres are piling up hundreds of thousands of applications and rejecting many. Eva Belmonte, Ángela Bernardo, Miguel Ángel Gavilanes, Carmen Torrecillas, David Cabo, Lucas Laursen, April 4, 2022 Story originally published in Civio “The breakdown is brutal,”

L’importanza di chiamarsi Ucraina

L’Ucraina è ciò che in ambito geofilosofico si suole definire un “luogo del destino”, cioè una terra condannata dalla geografia a essere importante. Sempre. Comunque. Per chiunque. Perché l’uomo non può cambiare ciò che la geografia ha decretato: è la geografia che determina la politica – e non il contrario. Una legge non

Russia’s invasion drives existential crisis for fossil fuels

The best way for the West to avoid further financial and ethical squeezes is to speed up the green transition. Every war is a waste, a mindless extinction of lives, infrastructure and nature. But the sheer folly of the Russian invasion of Ukraine appears even more tragic when framed against the dawning energy