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Windows Interview – Alessandro Fanetti

È il tema di politica estera di maggiore attualità in questo periodo: con la crisi ucraina, la Russia torna con forza sullo scacchiere internazionale e attorno a lei Stati Uniti d’America, NATO e Unione Europea cercano soluzioni diplomatiche. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Alessandro Fanetti, analista

Ukraine: how an armed conflict could play out

Julien Théron, Sciences Po Talks between Russia and the west have failed. Moscow has described the situation in Ukraine as “intolerable” and “a matter of life or death”. The US president, Joe Biden, has predicted the Kremlin “will move in” to Ukraine. The impasse was reached when the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, insisted

The Russian Federation of the New Millennium

 Domestic and Global Geopolitics The Russian Federation of the New Millennium is profoundly different from all previous “Russias”, but from each has drawn something to get to be what it is today. A Russia that is certainly daughter of her past. A past dense and rich of history, between Empire, Dictatorship of the

La Federazione Russa del Nuovo Millennio

Politica interna e geopolitica globale La Federazione Russa del Nuovo Millennio è profondamente diversa da tutte le “Russie” precedenti, ma da ognuna ha attinto qualcosa per arrivare ad essere quello che oggi è. Una Russia, dunque, certamente figlia del suo passato. Un passato denso e ricchissimo di storia, tra Impero, Dittatura del Proletariato

EU report accuses Russia, China of sowing mistrust in Western vaccines

From December to April, the two countries’ state media outlets pushed fake news online in multiple languages sensationalising vaccine safety concerns, making unfounded links between jabs and deaths in Europe and promoting Russian and Chinese vaccines as superior, the EU study said. The Kremlin and Beijing deny all disinformation allegations by the EU,

Russia’s Far East stands up to the Kremlin

In the st century, this capital-centrism no longer seems to hold true. Whatever the reasons — the nature of modern communications surely being chief among them — Russian politics is becoming truly national. For the past three weeks, the focus of political attention has shifted , miles from Moscow to the city of

US, Canada, UK accuse Russia of hacking COVID-19 vaccine trials

Hackers backed by the Russian government are attempting to steal information from researchers and pharmaceutical companies racing to find a COVID- vaccine, Britain, the United States and Canada alleged Thursday.  images Science researcher in full protection equipment is studying and developing new vaccine in biochemistry to fight against coronavirus in safety laboratory. Britain’s National

No hoax: Why the Russia investigation remains one of Trump’s biggest scandals

WASHINGTON — The Russia investigation, which began this summer four years ago, is back in the news — with President Trump on Friday commuting Roger Stone’s prison sentence, with Robert Mueller’s op-ed defending Stone’s prosecution, and even with Jeff Sessions’ Senate runoff tomorrow in Alabama. And despite everything that’s happened since Mueller concluded