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Serotonin: A Controversy That Never Was

The media went crazy when a study showed low serotonin doesn’t cause depression—but this was something scientists had known all along. The confusion caused some patients to go off effective psychiatric medications, exposing an information gap it’s been hard to bridge. We can do better, and here’s how. By Ben Rein For decades

Navigating the ethics of ancient human DNA research

Paleogenomic research has expanded rapidly over the past two decades, igniting heated debate about handling remains. Who gives consent for study participants long gone — and who should speak for them today? By Emiliano Rodríguez Mega The 2022 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine has brought fresh attention to paleogenomics, the sequencing of

The Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Water Consumption in the United States

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we define “home”, which is recast as the new coffee shop, restaurant, entertainment center, and office during the pandemic. The shift toward working from home led to substantial changes in how consumers behave, affecting the consumption of resources in some cases for years to come. Using data

Study on Vehicle–Road Interaction for Autonomous Driving

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are becoming increasingly popular, and this can potentially affect road performance. Road performance also influences driving comfort and safety for AVs. In this study, the influence of changes in traffic volume and wheel track distribution caused by AVs on the rutting distress of asphalt pavement was investigated through finite element

Unchecked Ocean Warming Threatens Many Gulf and Caribbean Corals

Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean sea surface temperatures could surpass coral bleaching thresholds in the region as soon as 2050, motivating the need for prompt mitigation, researchers say. The coral reefs of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are richly diverse ecosystems of global importance. These regions contain more than 10% of