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Cities Are Rethinking What Kinds of Trees They’re Planting

U.S. cities are losing some 36 million trees every year, but hardier species can restore their canopies. Kate Wheeling X April 11, 2023 Published in: Next City After a series of winter storms pummeled California this winter, thousands of trees across the state lost their grip on the earth and crashed down into

Boreal Trees May Grow Faster Due to Climate Change

Enhanced tree growth could significantly offset carbon emissions, but some researchers say it’s not enough to compete with forest disturbances. In the world’s cold northern forests, climate change is altering the pace of life. Under warming temperatures, the average boreal tree will grow about 20% faster by the 2050s, a new study suggested.

Neighborhood Strategies Inform Boston’s First Urban Forest Plan

The city prioritizes equity and inclusion as it incorporates tree coverage into climate resiliency efforts. Eos · Neighborhood Strategies Inform Boston’s First Urban Forest Plan Mattapan, a neighborhood in southwestern Boston, is heating up. Although some areas of the residential neighborhood benefit from the cooling effects of nearby green spaces, others are vulnerable