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Teens Revolt Against Trump TikTok Ban Threats

Teens are fighting back against the Trump administration’s tough talk about potentially banning TikTok, and the official Trump app is a casualty of war. “Why are you banning TikTok?” asks a one-star review on the iOS App Store from “YEETERQUEEN” posted yesterday. “There are so many things that are more important than an

Trump commutes sentence of longtime confidant Roger Stone

President Donald Trump has commuted the sentence of his longtime political confidant Roger Stone, intervening in extraordinary fashion in a criminal case that was central to the Russia investigation and that concerned the president s own conduct. The move came Saturday, just days before Stone was to begin serving a -month prison sentence

Trump promised to pay for Covid care.

Private health insurers, including many the White House prodded to waive full treatment costs for patients diagnosed with coronavirus, haven’t committed to extending those generous coverage policies to patients dealing with virus-related conditions weeks or months later. Some that only cover in-network care are rejecting bills from out-of-network specialists. The death toll, as

US reportedly investigating TikTok

The US Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department are probing allegations that TikTok has failed to meet its obligation to protect children s privacy under a agreement, Reuters reported Tuesday. Two sources told the news agency they participated in separate conference calls with the agencies regarding the accusations. TikTok is a wildly popular social

Bolton could still face charges for tell-all book on Trump, experts say

On Wednesday, the Trump administration took former national security adviser John Bolton to court in a last-ditch attempt to halt the June publication of his memoir “The Room Where It Happened.” Almost at the same time, however, news outlets began publishing revealing excerpts of Bolton’s experiences in the White House between and .

TikTok teens and the Trump campaign

The lower-than-expected attendance at President Trump’s rally in Tulsa on June 20 was attributed, at least in part, to an online army of K-pop fans who used the social network TikTok to organize and reserve tickets for the rally as a means of pranking the campaign. Similarly, the historically unprecedented scale of the